5 small changes that strengthen your company’s cyber security posture

5 cyber security best practices to strengthen your business

It’s easy to think of cyber security as an initiative that demands big changes and expensive solutions. Too many businesses (especially smaller ones) put off strengthening their cyber security due to the perceived cost and effort of protecting the business. 

In reality, enhancing your cyber security posture starts with smaller, practical steps that, when combined, form a robust defence against cyber threats. From implementing multi-factor authentication to providing training programs, you can use several cyber security best practices to mitigate the chances of a cyber attack or data breach impacting your business. 

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) reported that cyber crime cost small businesses an average of $39,000 between July 2021-22. So, it’s much cheaper to implement small steps now instead of waiting for your business to experience an attack.

Here are five small cyber security best practices we recommend to gain significant benefits.

Incorporate cyber security into the business structure

Any initiatives you begin should not be an afterthought or a side note in IT discussions. As such, your cyber security strategy needs a dedicated committee within your organisation to look over it. A committee focused on cyber security best practices can create tailored solutions and proactive strategies for strengthening your business.

Integrating cyber security into your existing risk and governance framework is another aspect of incorporating cyber security into the business structure. For example, you should include cyber security considerations in your strategic planning, decision-making processes and operational protocols. 

When you give cyber security proper focus, your business will see many benefits. You can foster increased awareness across all levels of the organisation, create a culture of responsibility and vigilance, and enhance your business' resilience to cyber threats.

Provide cyber security training to your staff

Training is another one of the cyber security best practices that you can implement. Your staff are your first line of defence against cyber attacks, so it's essential that you deliver cyber security training. Regular and formal training sessions equip your staff with critical knowledge and foster a proactive mindset in recognising potential threats. The objective is not to create a skilled IT team but to promote a workforce aware of the evolving cyber landscape. 

For effective cyber training, consider implementing a two-pronged approach. Start with an annual comprehensive course that covers the basic principles of cyber security, prevalent threats, and safe online behaviours. Then, supplement this throughout the year with smaller, frequent updates. In these updates, you can highlight emerging threats, recent cyber attacks, and changes in cyber security policies or procedures.

An informed workforce can recognise threats early and respond appropriately, reducing the risk of successful cyber attacks. Moreover, it encourages a cyber security culture within the organisation, where every member understands their role in protecting the company's digital assets.

Involve senior management with cyber security initiatives

It's pertinent to note that senior management must also participate in training and awareness programs. Leaders often hold sensitive information and make big decisions, so they're prime targets for cyber criminals because the payoff of a successful attack is generally higher.

Senior management also sets the tone for cyber security best practices in an organisation. By fully participating in cyber training and demonstrating commitment to cyber security, they lead by example. When senior management lead from the front, they signal to the entire business that cyber security isn't an optional extra but a fundamental aspect of the business that everyone, regardless of their role, must take seriously.

Enforce multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires users to provide two or more verification factors to access a system or resource. MFA could involve a combination of something you know (a password), something you have (a mobile device for verification), and something you are (a fingerprint). By adding layers of security, MFA makes it harder for unauthorised users to gain access to your systems.

Single-factor authentication systems, particularly those relying solely on passwords, are prone to being breaches. With MFA, even if one factor is compromised, like a password, the likelihood of an attacker having access to the second or third factor is substantially lower. So, MFA is no longer an optional security enhancement; it's a must-have for any business that wants to mitigate its chances of experiencing a data breach.

Understand the scope of your IT infrastructure

Every device or application connected to your network could potentially be a breach point for cyber threats. These endpoints include everything from company-issued laptops and mobile phones to cloud-based applications and personal devices used for work. Each connection expands the potential surface for cyber attacks, so you must understand your IT infrastructure and actively manage the cyber security measures for each.

A comprehensive audit will enable you to understand your IT infrastructure fully. Take inventory of hardware, software, network systems, and data. If you have any outdated or unnecessary systems that pose a risk, you can work on removing these. Such an audit is not a one-time process; it's best practice to complete it regularly to keep up with changes and advancements in your IT environment. 


You do not need to implement big changes to enhance your cyber security posture. By incorporating small cyber security best practices into the business structure, providing training programs, applying MFA and auditing your IT infrastructure, you can make changes with a few small (and affordable) steps.

VISITS can help you implement cyber security best practices to strengthen your business

At VISITS, we understand that your business does not always have the resources to execute a large cyber security plan. So, our approach to cyber security focuses on our philosophy of 'Less talk, more action' and developing a strategy that brings about consistent and tangible enhancements to your cyber security posture. For more information or to schedule a complimentary cyber discovery session, check out our CISO as a Service page.

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